Warm Up / Form Drill Inventory
Below is a list of my favorite pre-run, pre-race drills. Choosing 8-10 drills per session and varying the drills between sessions is the best practice. If you are tight and stiff, do more.
Dynamic Stretches (take bouncy steps between each rep)
Knee hugs (pull knee to chest, plant leg straight)
Walking lunges
Fours (leg bent, ankle on opposite knee, quarter squat to feel glute stretch)
Heel grabs (same side hand grabs shoe behind body to stretch the squad. Opposite arm reaches high)
Toe walks
Low toes (forward walk on balls of feet with knee angle locked at 90 degrees)
Straight leg kicks
Foot roll ups (exaggerated heel to toe walk ending in calf raise)
Basic drills
Low skips
Side skips
Backwards skips
Skip drives (one leg skips straight, the other has aggressive knee drive)
Heel lifts
Ankle dribbles
Straight leg bounds
Advanced drills
Fast legs
Straight leg skips
Backward reach runs
A-hop hop switch
A-switch pause